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Displaying all abstracts in category:
Cataract Complications

25-Gauge Vitrectomy Under Topical Anesthesia for Postoperative Endophthalmitis: A Pilot Study (F8)
Raju, Biju
Bimanual Phaco with a Difference (F9)
Smiles, John
Cliff Hanger (F1)
Agarwal, Athiya
Horizontal Pull Technique for Recovery of Peripherally Extending Capsulorhexis (F6)
Lewyckyj, Myron
IFIS: Improved Flexible Intraoperative Strategy (F2)
Allen, David
Intumescent Mature Cataract: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment (F4)
Centurion, Virgilio
Management of Iris Prolapse during Phacoemulsification (F5)
Devgan, Uday
Pediatric Cataract Surprises (F3)
Auffarth, Gerd
Russian Solution to Small-Pupil Phaco and Tamsulosin Floppy-Iris Syndrome (F7)
Malyugin, Boris

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