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Displaying all abstracts in category:
Refractive Complications

F128: Intracorneal Segments Extrusion in Post-LASIK Patients: Another Complication in an Already Complicated Eye
De Obaldia-Farruggia, Ilka
F129: Intracorneal Segment in Patients with Ectasia Post LASIK
Guillen, Pamela
F130: Battle of the Bulge
Jacob, Soosan
F131: Potential Risks of Phakic IOL
Lorenzo, Jorge
F132: Corneal Ectasia: Treatment and Prevention
Marotta, Heriberto
F133: Repositioning Intrastromal Segments Using a Deep Tunnel Created with a Femtosecond Laser
Ruiz-Quintero, Narlly
F134: Epi-LASIK in Trouble
Soler-Ferrandez, Fernando

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