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Displaying all abstracts in category:
Quality Teaching

19 G (F117)
Bovet, Jérôme
Anatomy and Physiology of Posterior Zonules and Their Relation to the Sarfarazi Theory of Accommodation (F126)
Sarfarazi, F. Mona
Avoiding the Argentine Flag Sign (F123)
Inamura, Mikio
Changes in Macular Thickness Before and After 2.0 mm Incision Cataract Surgery: Comparison of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Groups (F125)
Nakai, Yoshihide
In-the-Bag Procedure for Successful Cataract Surgery (F124)
Lim, Seung
Perfecting Your Curves: Mastering Bimanual Phacoemulsification (F127)
Sivagnanam, Soundari
Posterior Polar Cataracts (F115)
Agarwal, Sunita
Premise of Clear Corneal Tunnel Incision in Phacoemulsification for Beginning Cataract Surgeons (F119)
Choi, Eun Su
Surgical Correction of Astigmatism to Achieve 20/20 Uncorrected (F120)
Febbraro, Jean-Luc
Tridimensional Analysis of Corneal Topography (F122)
Haber, Alberto
Virtual Meeting: A New Approach for Continuing Medical Education (F118)
Casanova, Fabio
Vitamin A and the Eye: Public Education (F121)
Gangopadhyay, Nibaran
What Happened to My Graft! (F116)
Barthakur, Arundhati

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