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Displaying all abstracts in category:

F53: Ode to the Iris Retractor
Ahmed, Ike
F54: Efficient Cutting Without a Sharp Edge: The Improved Safety of Rounded Phaco Needles
Dewey, Steven
F55: Phaco Tips: Fluid Turbulence, Cavitational Energy, and Temperature Changes
Fernandez de Castro, Luis
F56: Surgeon-Directed Irrigation
Hart, John
F57: AquaLase in Hard Nucleus
Jodai, Horácio
F58: AlphaCor Artificial Cornea in Failed Corneal Graft
John, Thomas
F59: Novel Artificial Iris
Kranemann, Christoph
F60: Accurate Measurement of Capsulorhexis
Malavazzi, Gustavo
F61: Effect of Shaving Endothelial Meshwork on Intraocular Pressure Reduction in Open-Angle Glaucoma
Nagahara, Miyuki
F62: Tunnel Vision? No More
Narasimhan, Smita
F63: Control of Irrigation Flow in the Anterior Chamber During Phacoemulsification with the Help of a Newly Designed Pump
Patel, Amratlal

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